

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dandy Hino Car Transporter

I love car transporter so definately a Dandy Transporter is a must for me to get. Can anyone identify the Tomicas on the transporter? I know it is a little hard to spot.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nissan Cedric Hong Kong Taxi

This is one of the 2 Cedric produced by a friend named Danny. I am still trying to get hold of the earlier Cedric HK Taxi. Car complete with one set of decal and certificate. Only 3000 pieces produced.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nissan Atlas

This is also a very rare model, Nissan Atlas. This is made specially for Nissan and it is NOT a regular Tomica. I bought a few pieces from a Japanese collector.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Subaru Legacy

Note the difference between this Legacy and the regular Tomica? Yes, the box is definately different. The color is different, regulars are white and dark blue. Most importantly, the country of origin is different, Japan. What I understand is Tomica work with Subaru and first edition is made in Japan in very limited numbers. So this is a rare piece.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Hong Kong Business Trip

Above are from Danny's show room, the official distributor for Ebbro cars. I was amazed by his "collection" in the shop. Despite knowing Danny for slightly more than 10 years, this is the first time meeting him but alas, he is too shy to be on the camera.

Toy shop in Tai Yuan Street.

The famous Hung Hing Toys

My hauls in Hong Kong and China