Here is another edition of my childhood Tomica memories. I did not keep any Tomica from childhood so I am trying my best to buy all those which were owned by me. Usually, I paired up my Tomicas because they are related in some ways in my memories. They come in pairs because they were bought at the same time. Why must it be in twos? The answer is simple, when you have 2 kids in the family, you can't just buy one.
My parents or my grandma did not buy the Toyota Crown and the Honda Civic Country as featured above. How the hell did I get them then?
Let me turn back the time back to 198x, sorry, can't remember which year though. Again, I was brought to my aunt's place. I always visit my aunt (and cousins) because my mum visits her sister (my aunt) regularly. As usual, I played with my cousin's (the one who has the gift shop) toy cars whenever I was there. He has lots of Matchbox, Tomica, Yatming and I found 2 new cars in his lot. I asked if they were "new" in the family and he said that they were bought recently. I was a bully at times when I was a kid and he was also one of my victims at times although he was older than me. I didn't really take these cars from him. If I recalled correctly, he offered to give them to me willingly. As a Tomica lover, I couldn't resist this offer and took them home happily. I should show him this post one of these days but I reckon that he will not recall a thing at all.
Matchbox MB-28 BMW 328i (E46) 2003
3 days ago
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