The regular car is using mirror finished plastic piece while the promo is using a clear plastic head lights which is a nicer touch. I never fancy mirror finished head lights ever since Tomica started using them on large scale in late 80s or early 90s.I always thought that they look ugly.
Both Legacy shares the same scoop but the regular Legacy add some "nice" touch by painting the scoopy "inlet" black. It's nice from far. I hope you know what I mean.
The regular Legacy add its name onto the rear. The promo does without it. New Tomica collectors will welcome this additional touch, not me. I prefer all details & lines of the car to be crafted into the die cast instead.
Regular Legacy painted its roof rack black. Unnecessary in my opinion.

Just wondering why there is no "Subaru" but just Leagacy" on its base. Note that the promo car is Japan made while the regular release is Chinese made. "No. 11" is more of an after thought when made into a regular release.
The Legacy made it into the top 10 list of "Go! Go! Tomica" edition of Top 10 Best Tomica of the decade. It was ranked no.10, let down by questionable quality or its position will be higher. The paint applied on the regular car is too thick and current Tomica tends to add many details by decals or paint over. Again, this is quite subjective but most times, newer Tomica collectors will appreciate the additional as compared to collectors who played with Tomica when they are young (in the 70s to 80s). Promo car wins it hands down.