I should be the last Tomican who know of this. There is a recent outbreak of high precision fake Tomica VW Microbus. They are not re-issue and it is believed that they are actually build from scratch. The box that come with it is also a reproduced copy. You need to have eagle sharp eyes to spot the difference. The fakes are discovered by experience Indonesian Tomica collectors who bought them on auction sites. The easiest way to check if your unit is a replica is to look at the base. The authentic piece has a visible casting line just below the "Made In Japan" stamping while the copy has none.
Injustice is done on collectors who are into vintage Tomica. I hope that this will not spread to other Tomica models which are sought after by collectors such as Toyota Land Cruiser or Mini Cooper. The following link from a Taiwanese collector will explain more:
Note: The above Tomica featured are original pieces from my collection